
Eve's tragic flaw

Does everyone have a deadly sin, like the hero's tragic flaw? The Achilles Heal? A story or hero's myth is the imitation of a person's struggle through life. Sort of. It is far fetched to think everyone gets a special weapon or for that matter simply a group of loyal friends. I think that has more to do with symbolism or something like that. The one trait of the hero that is realistic to me is the tragic flaw.

Eve definitely had her tragic flaw. She took the apple off the tree of knowledge. She went against God's command for her own gain. The flaw of the human race is trying to be gods. An attempt at the immortality and knowledge of God and I caused us to loose Eden. I think that can relate to what I consider to be my greatest flaw. I have had a great weakness for substances. I do not think there is one in particular, but anything that would take me away from reality. This causes great gaps in my memory. I struggle to remember all the substances that I have abused.

I think this can compare to that of the Original Sin in that I had not really accepted my own mortality. I had never really thought of such things killing me. Stupid as it may seem. I think you could find that flaw in many drug addicts. This reminds me of the person who goes up to a smoker and tells them that smoking will kill you. I was also a smoker and I would usually respond sarcastically. Everyone knows that smoking kills you. But is there that real connection of death to the smoker? Maybe there is for other smokers, but when I look back at my addictions the connection was never real to me.

This sin of mine caused many problems and it still creates discussion in my current relation with Adam. Would I put a substance over him? I would hate to think I would do something so selfish. I do love him. But that is something I have done to people in my past. I am off of all drugs now, but this has only been for a few months. I have a history of drug abuse that has lasted on and off for around eight years. I just have to trust myself and hope that Adam will trust me as well. I would hate for that to be what kills me. For the tragic hero, it is that flaw that kills him. Right now I do not see a possibility of me going back to that life. Still, I pray that drugs are not my Achilles Heal. I pray that this is one sin that I can keep in my past.

(link to art)


Cathie said...

good idea for a blog

Eve said...

thank you:)