

Eve has several different roles to play. The most important being the mother to all. She was the one who bore the apple of knowledge to the rest of the human race. She bore the children who started the human race; she gave us our sin and our knowledge.

Eve also plays the role as wife to Adam. Eve is the only person who did not have to choose her mate. More of, she did not have any doubt of Adam being her soulmate and the only one for her. What a blessing that is. I wish I had that blessing.

"This one, at last, is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; This one shall be called 'woman,' for out of 'her man' this one has been taken."
Eve popped into my head whenever I thought of starting this because of her roles. She is the ultimate image of woman. She is everyone's mother and she was the first to bear the burdens of being a woman. I also envy her in the one point that I mentioned earlier. The point being that she knew who she was to be with.

I know who my Adam is now, but I did not know this till having to endure years of being with the wrong men. The wrong men sent me through years of depression and eventually into drug abuse and having to endure other types of abuse along the way. I did not know any better. I thought that one of them was it for me, but he was not Adam. Now that I have Adam here with me, there is part of me that wishes I had never given any of myself to other men. I wish that I had kept myself intact and had faith that he would show up and that I was not destined to die an old hag.

It did not happen that way. So I will write about it here. I will state the obvious, this is my introduction. Past this point I plan to write whatever may come to mind about this time period of my past. Comment if you wish to, I will be happy to read them. I just need to heal from my past.

God bless and goodnight.

(link to art)

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