
Eve's Marriage

Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work; If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up! Also if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone? Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.

-Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

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Eve's Insanity

Have you ever wanted to kill yourself? I can't say that I have. I've heard that it is horrible to even contemplate suicide. I have thought about it, but it was rather depressing to think that there would be no more life. It wasn't like I was actually thinking about actually doing it. It was more like, "What would happen if I killed myself?" When I thought about it, suicide seemed really stupid. Suicide also seemed incredibly selfish. At that time I was probably around 13 years old. I knew that my family would miss me. I knew that it would hurt people that I cared deeply for. So I never understood why there are those that would do such a thing. In fact the contemplation of suicide made me feel better as strange as that might seem.

When I was about 18 or 19 I was sure that I would never wish to kill myself, but life seemed too much for me at that time. I wanted to go insane instead. That probably wasn't a much better idea, but life was rather overwhelming for me at that point. I felt alone and insanity seemed more pleasant than reality. If I was insane maybe I wouldn't at least feel like my life was so horrible. It wasn't the best feeling. My family was no where near me. They also had no idea of the problems I was facing. Plus, I had wasted much of their money on drugs. I felt like I was more of a burden on them than anything else. I was failing school, I was being abused by my boyfriend and I was addicted to some nasty substance called crank. I could say that I was at my all time low. Well, it was at least one of them.

I remember laying in my crappy bed at night by myself. I had taken a bunch of LSD. I don't know how much now, not really important. I was looking up at the ceiling. Everything around me seemed to be going crazy. Everything was in motion when it should of been staying still. I felt like I was insane. I felt my mind was gone and there was some sort of satisfaction in that. What worries are there for the insane. They don't have the brain to think of them. I stayed there motionless mostly listening to my breathing as I felt my brain loosing its grip. It was like my conscious self was escaping me into nothingness, and I made no effort to cling to it.

It is obvious that I didn't go insane. As they say, all good things must come to an end. This was no exception. I prayed to God to keep me there. To not let myself come back to this harsh reality that I was living in. I wanted peace. Strange that I thought insanity would be peace, but you could say that the crank had already loosened a few screws in my head to where I wasn't quite myself on a normal day. Yes, I eventually closed my eyes to go to sleep. I've done LSD on several occasions. I don't remember how many, but every time I go to sleep I remember the same thing. I would listen to my heart beat. It would feel like it was in my ears. Sometimes I would think that it would stop it was so irregular. It would cease for a moment and I would feel my body freeze, but then a moment later it would keep on going. I would drift off to sleep the nonsense dreams of a drug addict.

In the morning I realized that it was ridiculous to think that I would loose my mind in such a way. I don't remember exactly what I did that day. I was probably with Amnon and his friends at some point, went to work and went to class. I remember life went on in a haze at that point. As sad as it may seem, I craved those moments of insanity.

Would you say I was suicidal? I don't know what to call it now other than depressed. Right now, I'm sitting at home wrapped in a blanket with a head cold. Not the best day ever, but I enjoy being in position right now much more than at that point in my past. I have the feeling of love and security. I never had that back then. I thank God now that I didn't loose my mind, then I couldn't enjoy my time now with Adam. I probably would have never truly found peace.

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Morning Prayer

O my God!
I offer Thee all my actions of this day
for the intentions and for the glory
of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
I desire to sanctify every beat of my heart,
my every thought,
my simplest works,
by uniting them to His infinite merits;
and I wish to make reparation for my sins
by casting them into the furnace of His merciful love.
O my God,
I ask of Thee for myself and for those dear to me
the grace to fulfill perfectly Thy holy will,
to accept, for love of Thee,
the joys and sorrows of this passing life,
so that we may one day be united together
in Heaven for all eternity.


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